How to Check Java Version in CMD

If you are a Java developer or an individual who relies on Java for various applications, it is important to keep track of the version of Java installed on your computer. Knowing the Java version can help you troubleshoot issues and ensure compatibility with different software.

One way to check the Java version on your computer is through the Command Prompt (CMD) in Windows. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Open the Command Prompt

Press the ‘Windows’ key on your keyboard or click on the ‘Start’ button, type ‘cmd,’ and press ‘Enter’ to open the Command Prompt.

Step 2: Run the Java Version Command

In the Command Prompt window, type ‘java -version’ and press ‘Enter’.

java -version

After executing the command, the Command Prompt will display the version of Java installed on your computer.

Step 3: Interpret the Result

The result displayed on the Command Prompt will provide you with information about the Java version. It typically includes the Java version number and additional details such as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) vendor.

Additional Options

There are a few additional options you can use with the ‘java -version’ command to get more detailed information:

  • -fullversion: Displays the full version number of Java.
  • -version: This option is equivalent to ‘java -version.’

By using these options, you can obtain more specific information about the Java version installed on your computer.

Checking the Java version through the Command Prompt is a straightforward process and can be useful in various scenarios. Whether you are a developer or a user, knowing the Java version installed on your computer helps ensure compatibility and makes troubleshooting easier.

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